Wednesday 12 June 2013

I levels...??

Hey guys this is a late update on whats been going on in the news.

So you guys must have heard about the new so called 'I Levels' that have been replaced instead of normal GCSE's at the age of 15-16. They have changed it completly so grades like A* will be in numerical marks so A* will be 8 and the lowest will be 1. They basically want to make it more challenging for students. You guys must have heard of Michael Grove who is the Education Secretary. He before wanted to enforce English Baccalureate but the plan was 'abandoned'.

They want to provide harder exams for students to find the best students. It will start in 2015 so any of you who are in year 7 now will be the first year to do 'intermediate levels'. Before, the major change was from 'O Levels' to 'GCSES' back in 1986'. It will apply to your subjects like English Maths and Science (obv) and also the Humaniterian subjects like History and Geography. They will cut alot of the Course Work and modules to just one solid exam at the end of the year. 

Personally I think they shoudn't make it to hard even if they want to find the best students because some who normally achieve very high levels might be nerve-wrecked causing them to not perform at their best. The course work will only be in science and 10% of marks will be awarded for practical experiments. So the students now who are achieving A's and A* will be aimed to get 6-7-8. 

Were always hearing about pupils getting low grades because of the marking scheme going funny but this is a whole different thing. I really hope it will be better for our future because it is said to be really difficult. 
Wales and Ireland are keeping their system the same, it is just us.

Make sure you comment below on what you think and i will be sure to replay. I'm sorry for the delay again I was busy doing revision for my end of year tests, if you guys are also doing end of year test, good luck!!!

Haleema K

Pictures Below: