Wednesday 7 August 2013

Pre-Eid Mubarak...

Hi guys this another everyday thing@random! Enjoy...

So I just wanted to say something...PRE-EID MUBARAK! I found out today that Eid-Ul-Fitre will be on Thursday 8 August 2013. I don't know about you guys but I am super excited! I can't wait to see my little cousins and spend the day just being happy. It is really exciting when you have kept every single fast because you just feel so proud of yourself. I know I am extremly proud of myself because these are long fasts and also my first. Enough about me! I hope you guys have a fantastic magnificent amazing day! Your probably wondering why I am saying all this 1 day before but its because I really want to do a post on the day but I obv will be busy so I decided to do one now. To make it even more special I will do a massive long post on eid and you will have to wait and see what this consists of...I am not very mysterious so the last senstence might be a little wierd :) So I hope you guys post comments after eid and tell me about your eid ul fitre.

Not being a downer but I would love for readers to actually post comments because although I say it I haven't actually read any comment on this blog. I would love even just 5 comments because I feel more confident that my blog is being read. So please do comment! I hope you have a wonderfull eid and sorry for not posting on eid.

I love the day before eid because it is so exciting because I have my hair cut and mehndi (if i want it) etc etc! I will post a picture of my eid clothes in the special eid post. 

Please comment subscribe etc etc! I hope you have an amazing random eid full of happiness and suprises! (Good suprises!) 

Haleema. x