Thursday 20 February 2014

Recommended books for you!

Hey everyone so this is just another everyday thing@random. Enjoy!

So as you can tell (can you?) I read lots and lots of books. I like to spread out and experiment with different genres to see if they suit my taste. My all time favourites are classics such as the Charles Dickens collection. I also like authors such as Harper Lee because her book changed my whole perspective of human nature. Also Jane Austen and so on. I recently have been experimenting with fantasy romance novels. I am absolutely in love with the Alyson Noel 'Immortal' series! You guys have to try it out it is a-ma-zing! I love the way she writes and it is about a girl named ever. That is the only information I will tell you because I don't want to spoil it. I will put a link down below for Amazon because you can buy the whole series as there is 6 books of them. The order of them: Evermore, Bluemoon, Shadowland, Dark Flame, Night star and Everlasting.

Please leave a comment if you have read them and you love them like me. Also don't forget to leave a comment if you read and finish them.

Also I was recommended 'A graphic Guide' series which starts with Quantum theory which is the only one I have read as I have not had a chance to read the others. It is basically about the logic of classical physics and it is very interesting. Please do have a look. You can look for any of these books in your school library or local or if you want you can buy them. Below I will put all recommendations for books.

I hope you have enjoyed this everyday thing@ random!

Haleema K

follow me on twitter: @Haleema3532



  • Charles Dickens Series
  • Alyson Noel 'Immortal' series
  • Harper Lee 'To kill a mocking bird'
  • Jane Austen 'Pride and Prejudice' 
  • Eden Maguire 'The Beautiful Dead'
  • A graphic Guide