Tuesday 10 June 2014


Hey everyone this is a special edition of everyday things@random.

If many of you read my posts daily you will know that I have a post about the 'Trojan Horse plot' or whatever terminology they would like to use. Today I arrived home from school with news from my brother that teachers I knew where the leaders behind the plot, and new allegations about schools such as Park View, Adderley Primary, Nansen Primary and others had come out. I am an honest person so I am just going to say that I am confused because this is getting ridiculous. On one side I am infuriated at the standard of the schools involved and how they choose to portray Islam because like I have said before Islam spreads peace. We all have to learn about each other's background religions and culture! It is surprising or not but Muslim Scholars have read the Bible and the Torah and other religious books. No they did not read it to prejudice against other religions but to simply make similarities and contrasts in a way that helps us to learn and bring us together. If you keep up to date with the news you will see that allegations include 'banning Christmas' 'removing Jesus dolls'. Can people hear themselves! If this allegations are true which I think some are then these leaders of the plot need to re evaluate their beliefs of Islam and stop being so prejudice and ignorant. If you really want these schools to be turned in to a Muslim only then do it the legal way. If they think that will take long, look how long all of this rubbish is taking? They do not have a chance at all. 

On the other side of my conscience, Michael Gove does not help at all. You can never fool a public, he is trying to act like a hero and save these schools just to look like an amazing leading figure. You can do your job by investigating school's through Ofsted correctly! Most of these school's recently received outstanding but now they are in the spot light for all of this. Do the right thing not for publicity or status but for the good. Education is not about religion and what you should follow, sure you should learn about other religions but at the end of the day, Education is about learning children skills for life and giving them knowledge, helping them succeed. On ITV today, a man who I think was so pathetic I have forgotten his name, said that he does not believe in the word multiculturalism in the true definition. Yet he said that he loves Ramadan and is confused as to why Christmas was banned. CAN YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF? 

All in all I think that the leaders of the school really need to fix up and bring religions culture and society together. It does not matter if you are black white, Muslim, Christian or Norwegian you have a place in every society. The government need to stop being like 'I told you so' and be more like 'We did this...'. If you really care about protecting your country then don't make stupid comments. I could go on for thousands of words and address everything but people know what they need to do. Don't sacrifice our learning with your own issues and beliefs. 

Haleema Khan