Monday 29 December 2014

Eastenders...bigger and better!

Hey guys this is another everyday thing@random! I hope you enjoy it.

So christmas has come and gone but I do want to say...Merry Christmas and a happy new year! 

Eastenders has just exploded! I think this is the best ever christmas episode. I remember when the website released trailers for the day and I thought they always build it up so much but it is never that good. My mind slowly changed on the week of christmas, I found myself impatient for the episode! I hate Dean so much and I desperatly wanted Linda to tell Mick everything but thank god she did! It was so explosive and I love that they explored Mick's reaction in a different way rather than kill Dean straight away.

It was so sad to see Mick touched me and I am not an emotional kind of person! I absolutly hated Shirley just blurting it out randomly. "HE'S YOUR BROTHER!" I think if she was trying to immitate Kat and Zoe then it did not work. I think she just cannot fathom that her son is a monster, maybe even that she created him. I was in shock when Mick smashed up the vic! He went mental and I think he only woke up when he smashed the glass. I really felt bad for Stan and after months of calling him evil I have definatly warmed to him! I hate aunt babe and how she just pretended that everything was ok and she couldn't face up to reality. I was screaming 'good riddance' to the screen when Stan threw her out. 

I find myself admiring Sylvie! Even in her condition she showed Cora. I laughed when she said "I'm sorry love but do I know you?". I think that Shirley just telling everyone just ruined things and I don't think that should've happened at all. It makes Mick question everything he ever did, everything he was but I think the portray and reaction that Mick gave was really effective. God I feel like a phyciatrist! 

Lauren's annoying behaviour went to a new level, it was obvious she put the box there. She was very defensive. This leads me on to the new year (and the trailer). I have 2 new suspects and they are Max and Lauren. I have always had a hunch about Lauren but it has come out more recently definitly. The one thing that I am unsure about is why she killed Lucy. Max is my second suspect because of the trailer and because he was so cautious and his behaviour was just darn' right strange! 

Anyway I hoped you enjoyed my 'festive' rant! I will post some more stuff soon so stay tuned. Subscribe and leave comments even though nobody does but I still say it! Be sure to watch Eastenders if you have missed it!

Haleema x