Saturday 25 January 2014


Hey guys this is an apolagy that isnt everyday and I hope you accept

Ok calm down I am sorry for not posting for a long while. My life has been so busy and I just have not had the time. I know I feel very commited to this blog but I really want it to get more views and subscribers so please if you can follow and tell your friends. Comment and I will do any blog posts you want :)

So whats been happening? Y'all good? So life is just great and getting better. I feel like I have been thinking about my future so much! I am always finding myself talking to my dad about A-Levels and jobs and houses and its all been really wierd. I just really want to do well in life and change the world for the better. 

I have not alot to say if I am being totally honest with you all just that I want whatever this is to be a success. I am not saying I want millions of subscribers or internet fame I just want daily views and people to view my blogs because they want to not because I am nagging them. I want people to smile by reading what I write. 

Anyway thats all I really wanted to say. Below I will have some cool images and inspiriational quotes that I feel really change people. Love y'all! x Hope your day is amazing x

Follow me on Twitter: @OriginalJJfan
Check out my stardoll: Emily3532
AND follow me and view me on this blog: Everydaythings@random


P.S RIP NELSON MANDELA #ourheroweloveyou

By Haleema K

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