Monday 26 May 2014

long time no see!!

Hey this is an everyone this is an everyday thing@random!

I know it has been a couple months since I last posted but I was busy with exams and all so I just didn't have the time. I will be back up soon with Eastenders spoilers( OMG WHO KILLED LUCY?) , book recomendations and the usually random things. So how have you all been? I have missed writing to a small audience but I will be back when my last few tests finish. For today post I just want to talk about the recent Trojan Horse Plot and my views.

I understand that at the centre of the plot is Park View Buisness and Enterprise school. My elder brother and sister went to the school and they both got the best out of it especially my sister. If I am honest I really don't know what to say about all the accusations. I think that if all is true, then they should prove all of it and then tell the public. However, I think that even if their is some doubt that this is going on in schools then they should address it for the sake of the education of the pupils. On the contrary, I feel angry that my religion has been put under a bad spot light. Islam teaches peace and if the allegations are true then it is heartbreaking as a fellow muslim to see people preaching their version of Islam. In the Q'uran we believe that you should interact with other religions, it does not say that you must not talk to them or punish them! I am at the point of confusion but hopefully they will clear everything up and we will see what happens next. My primary school was also included in the so called 'plot' and I am very saddened to hear about that because it feels like your beliefs are fake and its just a confusing time. I hope to hear your opinions in the comment section!

Just to quickly address eastenders please leave a comment on who you think killed lucy and why. I will below show a picture of 2 of the people I think killed her and why. More on Eastenders will be posted soon. Have a great day! 


Abi Branning couldve killed Lucy Beale because she got frustrated at finding out about her dad's affair since Lucy is Lauren's age.
Danny Pennant: He could've come back to take revenge on Lucy for loosing his money and deceiving him after finding out he was gay. 

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