Thursday 7 August 2014

I need to tell you something...

Hey guys this is a special edition blog post, its not an everyday thing @random because its too special.

So I have this best friend/sister. She is super gorgeous and very very intelligent. I am making this blog post dedicated to my intelligent caring and loyal Mary. I offended her yesterday by just joking about but she didn't take it as a joke and it really affected me because she does not get upset that often. I know her better than anyone so I do not know why I even made the pathetic joke.

Like I mentioned she is really clever and in all the top sets with me. Sometimes I feel so intimidated by her because she seems just so wise even at this age. She really wants to be a paediatrician when she is older and she is just so determined which is the reason I became friends her with her. I am lucky to have her in my life. She is one of those tough love people which I say is caring but she disagrees. She will say things to you that you will want to scratch her eyes out for but I always follow it because I know she says things for the right reason and she is almost always right. I love you Mary don't you ever forget it! You WILL be a paediatrician and the best! She recently started her own blog called voguemerge and I hope you will check it out.

Mary I could describe you with thousands of adjectives but summing you up, you are extraordinarily special.


P.S Appreciate your best friend

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