Monday 29 December 2014

Eastenders...bigger and better!

Hey guys this is another everyday thing@random! I hope you enjoy it.

So christmas has come and gone but I do want to say...Merry Christmas and a happy new year! 

Eastenders has just exploded! I think this is the best ever christmas episode. I remember when the website released trailers for the day and I thought they always build it up so much but it is never that good. My mind slowly changed on the week of christmas, I found myself impatient for the episode! I hate Dean so much and I desperatly wanted Linda to tell Mick everything but thank god she did! It was so explosive and I love that they explored Mick's reaction in a different way rather than kill Dean straight away.

It was so sad to see Mick touched me and I am not an emotional kind of person! I absolutly hated Shirley just blurting it out randomly. "HE'S YOUR BROTHER!" I think if she was trying to immitate Kat and Zoe then it did not work. I think she just cannot fathom that her son is a monster, maybe even that she created him. I was in shock when Mick smashed up the vic! He went mental and I think he only woke up when he smashed the glass. I really felt bad for Stan and after months of calling him evil I have definatly warmed to him! I hate aunt babe and how she just pretended that everything was ok and she couldn't face up to reality. I was screaming 'good riddance' to the screen when Stan threw her out. 

I find myself admiring Sylvie! Even in her condition she showed Cora. I laughed when she said "I'm sorry love but do I know you?". I think that Shirley just telling everyone just ruined things and I don't think that should've happened at all. It makes Mick question everything he ever did, everything he was but I think the portray and reaction that Mick gave was really effective. God I feel like a phyciatrist! 

Lauren's annoying behaviour went to a new level, it was obvious she put the box there. She was very defensive. This leads me on to the new year (and the trailer). I have 2 new suspects and they are Max and Lauren. I have always had a hunch about Lauren but it has come out more recently definitly. The one thing that I am unsure about is why she killed Lucy. Max is my second suspect because of the trailer and because he was so cautious and his behaviour was just darn' right strange! 

Anyway I hoped you enjoyed my 'festive' rant! I will post some more stuff soon so stay tuned. Subscribe and leave comments even though nobody does but I still say it! Be sure to watch Eastenders if you have missed it!

Haleema x



Thursday 7 August 2014

I need to tell you something...

Hey guys this is a special edition blog post, its not an everyday thing @random because its too special.

So I have this best friend/sister. She is super gorgeous and very very intelligent. I am making this blog post dedicated to my intelligent caring and loyal Mary. I offended her yesterday by just joking about but she didn't take it as a joke and it really affected me because she does not get upset that often. I know her better than anyone so I do not know why I even made the pathetic joke.

Like I mentioned she is really clever and in all the top sets with me. Sometimes I feel so intimidated by her because she seems just so wise even at this age. She really wants to be a paediatrician when she is older and she is just so determined which is the reason I became friends her with her. I am lucky to have her in my life. She is one of those tough love people which I say is caring but she disagrees. She will say things to you that you will want to scratch her eyes out for but I always follow it because I know she says things for the right reason and she is almost always right. I love you Mary don't you ever forget it! You WILL be a paediatrician and the best! She recently started her own blog called voguemerge and I hope you will check it out.

Mary I could describe you with thousands of adjectives but summing you up, you are extraordinarily special.


P.S Appreciate your best friend

Monday 4 August 2014

Blog's you should follow and book recommendations/music

Hey guys this is just another everyday thing@random! Enjoy.

I have not been posting recently because I don't really want to post to much in case people get bored. I have recently been checking out other peoples blogs and it is really fun. You are able to enjoy reading other peoples posts that are different to your style of blogging. Not all the blogs are on Blogger because as you know there are many different blog sites. My friend Maryam recently made a blog on word press called 'voguemerge'. She is completely different to my style but then again similar in some ways. She has only posted 2 blog posts but she is very interesting. She explains well and I enjoy her posts, not just because she is my friend. I don't have any subscribers at the minute but I do however, have over 500 views. So if you guys could check her out and subscribe to her that would be great :). I really want to motivated her to keep writing.

So that was the first topic of this blog done. I have written a blog post before about book recommendations but I have some new books that you all need to try. So I recently stepped over my comfort zone in to a whole new world of reading. In my English class we all read 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell. He is such a great writer and the whole book is basically from the animals point of view about communism, corruption and other. He wrote it to explain what he thought was happening in the Russian Revolution at that time. I loved the book so much that when told to read the first chapter I read the whole book in under 2 hours. It is not particularly thick either it is a small book. So my teacher said that I could read another book of his which was '1984' by George Orwell of course. It was more than interesting and it was just so real and I really cannot describe it well enough. I returned the book fully read I think 2 days after it was given to me. My teacher then said I could either write and essay about Animal Farm like the rest of the class or an essay about 1984. I chose Animal Farm. 

My teacher then gave me a book similar to 1984 which was called 'Fahrenheit 451' by Ray Bradbury. It was a dystopian novel published in 1953. It was very different and of course a great read. I started to really read books that I wouldn't normally read. So I thank my teacher Mr Burns for those 2 books!

I also began reading books written by Jodi Picoult. I can honestly say I have never ever cried at any novel because I am not really like that no matter how emotional a book is. She completely changed that. If you see her books they are very thick and I managed to read them in under a couple of days. I began imagining the exact scenes and everything that was taking place. She just had me hooked! I read book by book and I finished every Jodi Picoult book in my school Library. She write mostly the same kind of topic but each in a different way. The 2 books that made me cry were 'The Story Teller' 'Change of Heart'. It was just so gripping moving and powerful. As you guessed I read them in under 2 days. 

I am allowed to read young adult books but if you do want to read them and you are 13 or under please consult your parents and ask their permission because their is a reason it is for young adults. Next I move on to music recommendations. 

Again my English teacher told me about this band called Led Zeppelin. If you are a modern RnB fan skip this paragraph! I listen to a lot of old rock and roll. Led Zeppelin are of course Rock and Roll but also folk. I listened to one song and immediately fell in to a trance and started listening to all the songs. I am not one of those people who like buys albums and listens to the songs on that album. I pick random songs from a long long playlist and just listen. I don't even know what the name of the albums are. Led Zeppelin are different and just full on amazing. First listen to 'stairway to heaven' and then if you like that listen to the rest. Some other favourites of mine are Guns and Roses of course because they are just awesome. I love Patience, Sweet Child Of Mine, November Rain and lots more. I like the Rolling Stones but I don't listen to that many of their songs. I love Gimme Shelter, Tumbling Dice, Monkey man and their cover of Sympathy For The Devil. Last but not least, QUEEN. I am one of their biggest fans. I just picked a couple songs up from the tv and then I just kept listening to other tracks. Now my phone is filled with Queen. I could give you recommendations but I would be here forever. 

Randomly, I like songs from TV shows such as Sons Of Anarchy. I like the random songs like Battle Me 'hey, hey, my,my'. Shooter Jennings 'All of this could've been'. The whistler 'The White Buffalo'. Noah Gunderson 'David' and thousands more!

WOW, this was a long post. I will put at the bottom all of the books and recommendations etc. I hope you enjoyed this long post. You probably won't comment or subscribe but as usual I will tell you!

Haleema K






Tuesday 10 June 2014


Hey everyone this is a special edition of everyday things@random.

If many of you read my posts daily you will know that I have a post about the 'Trojan Horse plot' or whatever terminology they would like to use. Today I arrived home from school with news from my brother that teachers I knew where the leaders behind the plot, and new allegations about schools such as Park View, Adderley Primary, Nansen Primary and others had come out. I am an honest person so I am just going to say that I am confused because this is getting ridiculous. On one side I am infuriated at the standard of the schools involved and how they choose to portray Islam because like I have said before Islam spreads peace. We all have to learn about each other's background religions and culture! It is surprising or not but Muslim Scholars have read the Bible and the Torah and other religious books. No they did not read it to prejudice against other religions but to simply make similarities and contrasts in a way that helps us to learn and bring us together. If you keep up to date with the news you will see that allegations include 'banning Christmas' 'removing Jesus dolls'. Can people hear themselves! If this allegations are true which I think some are then these leaders of the plot need to re evaluate their beliefs of Islam and stop being so prejudice and ignorant. If you really want these schools to be turned in to a Muslim only then do it the legal way. If they think that will take long, look how long all of this rubbish is taking? They do not have a chance at all. 

On the other side of my conscience, Michael Gove does not help at all. You can never fool a public, he is trying to act like a hero and save these schools just to look like an amazing leading figure. You can do your job by investigating school's through Ofsted correctly! Most of these school's recently received outstanding but now they are in the spot light for all of this. Do the right thing not for publicity or status but for the good. Education is not about religion and what you should follow, sure you should learn about other religions but at the end of the day, Education is about learning children skills for life and giving them knowledge, helping them succeed. On ITV today, a man who I think was so pathetic I have forgotten his name, said that he does not believe in the word multiculturalism in the true definition. Yet he said that he loves Ramadan and is confused as to why Christmas was banned. CAN YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF? 

All in all I think that the leaders of the school really need to fix up and bring religions culture and society together. It does not matter if you are black white, Muslim, Christian or Norwegian you have a place in every society. The government need to stop being like 'I told you so' and be more like 'We did this...'. If you really care about protecting your country then don't make stupid comments. I could go on for thousands of words and address everything but people know what they need to do. Don't sacrifice our learning with your own issues and beliefs. 

Haleema Khan

Monday 26 May 2014

long time no see!!

Hey this is an everyone this is an everyday thing@random!

I know it has been a couple months since I last posted but I was busy with exams and all so I just didn't have the time. I will be back up soon with Eastenders spoilers( OMG WHO KILLED LUCY?) , book recomendations and the usually random things. So how have you all been? I have missed writing to a small audience but I will be back when my last few tests finish. For today post I just want to talk about the recent Trojan Horse Plot and my views.

I understand that at the centre of the plot is Park View Buisness and Enterprise school. My elder brother and sister went to the school and they both got the best out of it especially my sister. If I am honest I really don't know what to say about all the accusations. I think that if all is true, then they should prove all of it and then tell the public. However, I think that even if their is some doubt that this is going on in schools then they should address it for the sake of the education of the pupils. On the contrary, I feel angry that my religion has been put under a bad spot light. Islam teaches peace and if the allegations are true then it is heartbreaking as a fellow muslim to see people preaching their version of Islam. In the Q'uran we believe that you should interact with other religions, it does not say that you must not talk to them or punish them! I am at the point of confusion but hopefully they will clear everything up and we will see what happens next. My primary school was also included in the so called 'plot' and I am very saddened to hear about that because it feels like your beliefs are fake and its just a confusing time. I hope to hear your opinions in the comment section!

Just to quickly address eastenders please leave a comment on who you think killed lucy and why. I will below show a picture of 2 of the people I think killed her and why. More on Eastenders will be posted soon. Have a great day! 


Abi Branning couldve killed Lucy Beale because she got frustrated at finding out about her dad's affair since Lucy is Lauren's age.
Danny Pennant: He could've come back to take revenge on Lucy for loosing his money and deceiving him after finding out he was gay. 

Thursday 20 February 2014

Recommended books for you!

Hey everyone so this is just another everyday thing@random. Enjoy!

So as you can tell (can you?) I read lots and lots of books. I like to spread out and experiment with different genres to see if they suit my taste. My all time favourites are classics such as the Charles Dickens collection. I also like authors such as Harper Lee because her book changed my whole perspective of human nature. Also Jane Austen and so on. I recently have been experimenting with fantasy romance novels. I am absolutely in love with the Alyson Noel 'Immortal' series! You guys have to try it out it is a-ma-zing! I love the way she writes and it is about a girl named ever. That is the only information I will tell you because I don't want to spoil it. I will put a link down below for Amazon because you can buy the whole series as there is 6 books of them. The order of them: Evermore, Bluemoon, Shadowland, Dark Flame, Night star and Everlasting.

Please leave a comment if you have read them and you love them like me. Also don't forget to leave a comment if you read and finish them.

Also I was recommended 'A graphic Guide' series which starts with Quantum theory which is the only one I have read as I have not had a chance to read the others. It is basically about the logic of classical physics and it is very interesting. Please do have a look. You can look for any of these books in your school library or local or if you want you can buy them. Below I will put all recommendations for books.

I hope you have enjoyed this everyday thing@ random!

Haleema K

follow me on twitter: @Haleema3532



  • Charles Dickens Series
  • Alyson Noel 'Immortal' series
  • Harper Lee 'To kill a mocking bird'
  • Jane Austen 'Pride and Prejudice' 
  • Eden Maguire 'The Beautiful Dead'
  • A graphic Guide 

Saturday 25 January 2014


Hey guys this is an apolagy that isnt everyday and I hope you accept

Ok calm down I am sorry for not posting for a long while. My life has been so busy and I just have not had the time. I know I feel very commited to this blog but I really want it to get more views and subscribers so please if you can follow and tell your friends. Comment and I will do any blog posts you want :)

So whats been happening? Y'all good? So life is just great and getting better. I feel like I have been thinking about my future so much! I am always finding myself talking to my dad about A-Levels and jobs and houses and its all been really wierd. I just really want to do well in life and change the world for the better. 

I have not alot to say if I am being totally honest with you all just that I want whatever this is to be a success. I am not saying I want millions of subscribers or internet fame I just want daily views and people to view my blogs because they want to not because I am nagging them. I want people to smile by reading what I write. 

Anyway thats all I really wanted to say. Below I will have some cool images and inspiriational quotes that I feel really change people. Love y'all! x Hope your day is amazing x

Follow me on Twitter: @OriginalJJfan
Check out my stardoll: Emily3532
AND follow me and view me on this blog: Everydaythings@random


P.S RIP NELSON MANDELA #ourheroweloveyou

By Haleema K