Wednesday 29 May 2013

im just happy....

Hey guys so today I just feel like I want to treat you all to some funny and nice and amazing pictures that my friend (google images) gave me. I feel happy so I want to see you all smile inside my head (even if I don't know who you are :)) ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :D


Hope you enjoyed :) (p.s please read the 2nd last one all it is funny :)

Friday 24 May 2013

Awesome internet, or not!

Hey guys this is just another update. I'm sorry to write so late, read below and you will know why :) Enjoy the post randoms!

Internet is part of a whole service, e.g Virgin Media, BT, TalkTalk etc. Now you guys might be wondering why I haven't written in a while and it is because of BT and Virgin Media! Around 2 weeks ago, we decided to get away from BT and move on to Virgin because BT frankly was RUBBISH (no offence :)) It took ages for everything to settle down e.g the Internet connecting to our Laptops and the tvo box starting to work etc. Then it wouldn't connect to some of our laptops! By this time I was infuriated but luckily a virgin member came and made everything in work. 

To my annoyance, after everything started to go smoothly, my sisters laptop would not connect to the new internet after being completely fine! It still does not work but my brothers working on it. So you guys might think i'm making excuses but seriously moving from different services really is a pain. Meaning, the Internet actually activating etc. So anyway, Virgin is a very good service and it is working perfectly on other Laptops in my house (luckily). 

The few problems we had with BT were things like the speed of the Internet. Sometimes it was so slow we just gave up! Then on my Kindle Fire (awesomeness!) it took ages to connect to our stupid home hub and I just got really angry. They over-charged for Internet and other that were completely a waste of time and money. That's services for you! Anyway I hope you enjoyed that post and see why I haven't been posting :) 

Thank you randoms!

P.S If your wondering why i'm calling you guys randoms it is because I am getting more and more views so the people who always read this blog will be classed as 'RANDOMS' and you can see the gist of it by look at our name 'everyday things @random'. 


Wednesday 8 May 2013


Hey guys this is just a short update, enjoy! 

So, I am excited to do a blog post today! Basically, today I signed in and I looked on my page views and I saw 100 views! It may seem not that big of a deal because other people get thousands but I am only young and I haven't been blogging for years like other people. I am really proud that people are reading my blog ; if I am honest at first I thought I would be the only one reading it or maybe a couple other people. Thank you everyone so much for taking the time to look at my blog, it is really awesome! Sorry that this blog post is small but I just wanted to thank you guys for reading my blog even if 100 may seem not that big of a deal (apart from to me). 

Bye! x 

Tuesday 7 May 2013

My pet peeves

Hey guys so this is just another everyday thing @random, enjoy! x

Pet peeves, those big maybe little things that just totally tick you off. You scream, shout, cry whatever is your thing to do. So I have lots and they might be the same as your or different. I feel like peoples pet peeves are really unusual sometimes but also the ones that everybody might say. Confusing eh? So here is just SOME of my pet peeves below: 

  • People who eat bad (food spilling out of their mouth, spit etc!!!)
  • Anybody who touches my hair 
  • People who randomly join the conversation 
  • Big headed people
  • Dogs who bark at you and make you jump
  • 1000 OTHER THINGS!
So those are just some of my pet peeves. By saying people who eat bad, I mean when they spit food or talk with their mouth open. IT IS DISGUSTING!!! I also hate dogs who bark at me, I am just talking or doing whatever and suddenly you hear a bark. It literally makes me jump. The reason I hate people touching my hair is because they either have filthy hands or it just feels a little painful. Like if they brush my hair or whatever it hurts, so I prefer doing my own hair.

I don't think anybody likes big headed people to be honest. It is so annoying! Their favorite words are 'me me me, i i i, self self self'! Every body is equal so snap out of it! Anyway like I said before there are 1000 other things that annoy me but it would to long to type so those are just ones I randomly picked out. Let me know through comments what your pet peeves are and I will surely reply back. Follow my blog and return for new blog posts every week.


Friday 3 May 2013

How to revise for exams...(my way)

Hey guys so this is just another everyday thing @Random, Enjoy!

Ahh summer. Sun, holiday's, Exams, and more sun! Yes I said it EXAMS! That dreaded word that makes us quiver even though it helps us in our future. So let's put the sun, holidays and 'chilling' on hold we have some serious revision to do. Yes revision, what we use to help us pass exams. Luckily I have a handsome dad on hand who helps me revise and I think that is where I get my brains from :) Everybody has their own techniques so that they feel comfortable. My revision techniques are below:

  • Get all my school books from my teachers
  • Get any other textbooks that will help
  • Get a notepad and make sure it is filled with blank lined paper.
  • Practice every topic and the methods and then practice examples 
  • E.G Decimal multiplication and division, right the method of how you do it and answer some examples of it by using the method.
  • When you have finished practicing every topic go over the notepad everyday leading up to my exams
And there you have it I 98% of the time get an awesome level/score etc.

Leave comments, for any revision tips you have and if you used this then comment if it worked!
