Friday 3 May 2013

How to revise for exams...(my way)

Hey guys so this is just another everyday thing @Random, Enjoy!

Ahh summer. Sun, holiday's, Exams, and more sun! Yes I said it EXAMS! That dreaded word that makes us quiver even though it helps us in our future. So let's put the sun, holidays and 'chilling' on hold we have some serious revision to do. Yes revision, what we use to help us pass exams. Luckily I have a handsome dad on hand who helps me revise and I think that is where I get my brains from :) Everybody has their own techniques so that they feel comfortable. My revision techniques are below:

  • Get all my school books from my teachers
  • Get any other textbooks that will help
  • Get a notepad and make sure it is filled with blank lined paper.
  • Practice every topic and the methods and then practice examples 
  • E.G Decimal multiplication and division, right the method of how you do it and answer some examples of it by using the method.
  • When you have finished practicing every topic go over the notepad everyday leading up to my exams
And there you have it I 98% of the time get an awesome level/score etc.

Leave comments, for any revision tips you have and if you used this then comment if it worked!


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