Tuesday 7 May 2013

My pet peeves

Hey guys so this is just another everyday thing @random, enjoy! x

Pet peeves, those big maybe little things that just totally tick you off. You scream, shout, cry whatever is your thing to do. So I have lots and they might be the same as your or different. I feel like peoples pet peeves are really unusual sometimes but also the ones that everybody might say. Confusing eh? So here is just SOME of my pet peeves below: 

  • People who eat bad (food spilling out of their mouth, spit etc!!!)
  • Anybody who touches my hair 
  • People who randomly join the conversation 
  • Big headed people
  • Dogs who bark at you and make you jump
  • 1000 OTHER THINGS!
So those are just some of my pet peeves. By saying people who eat bad, I mean when they spit food or talk with their mouth open. IT IS DISGUSTING!!! I also hate dogs who bark at me, I am just talking or doing whatever and suddenly you hear a bark. It literally makes me jump. The reason I hate people touching my hair is because they either have filthy hands or it just feels a little painful. Like if they brush my hair or whatever it hurts, so I prefer doing my own hair.

I don't think anybody likes big headed people to be honest. It is so annoying! Their favorite words are 'me me me, i i i, self self self'! Every body is equal so snap out of it! Anyway like I said before there are 1000 other things that annoy me but it would to long to type so those are just ones I randomly picked out. Let me know through comments what your pet peeves are and I will surely reply back. Follow my blog and return for new blog posts every week.


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