Friday 24 May 2013

Awesome internet, or not!

Hey guys this is just another update. I'm sorry to write so late, read below and you will know why :) Enjoy the post randoms!

Internet is part of a whole service, e.g Virgin Media, BT, TalkTalk etc. Now you guys might be wondering why I haven't written in a while and it is because of BT and Virgin Media! Around 2 weeks ago, we decided to get away from BT and move on to Virgin because BT frankly was RUBBISH (no offence :)) It took ages for everything to settle down e.g the Internet connecting to our Laptops and the tvo box starting to work etc. Then it wouldn't connect to some of our laptops! By this time I was infuriated but luckily a virgin member came and made everything in work. 

To my annoyance, after everything started to go smoothly, my sisters laptop would not connect to the new internet after being completely fine! It still does not work but my brothers working on it. So you guys might think i'm making excuses but seriously moving from different services really is a pain. Meaning, the Internet actually activating etc. So anyway, Virgin is a very good service and it is working perfectly on other Laptops in my house (luckily). 

The few problems we had with BT were things like the speed of the Internet. Sometimes it was so slow we just gave up! Then on my Kindle Fire (awesomeness!) it took ages to connect to our stupid home hub and I just got really angry. They over-charged for Internet and other that were completely a waste of time and money. That's services for you! Anyway I hope you enjoyed that post and see why I haven't been posting :) 

Thank you randoms!

P.S If your wondering why i'm calling you guys randoms it is because I am getting more and more views so the people who always read this blog will be classed as 'RANDOMS' and you can see the gist of it by look at our name 'everyday things @random'. 


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