Thursday 18 July 2013

Summer, Final days and high tempratures...

Hi everyone, this is another everyday thing @random, summer edition! Enjoy...

So summer has finally kicked in eh? How convenient since Ramadhan started last wednesday and every since it has been boiling. YES! Thank god, England has some proper weather unlike normally. Even through this beautiful weather I still get moaning and groaning complaints from people 'we hate summer it's annoying stuffy and also hot, winter is better...'. Then in winter it's like 'ugh I cannot wait for summer, it is so cold and I hate it!...'. Well for all those people out their...I FEEL YOUR PAIN! I love summer, don't get me wrong but it is so warm when God wants it to be, I literally burn! Then in winter it is so cold I freeze so either way we are always annoyed at some point in these 2 weather types. 

Now you primary or secondary school students, are probably on your last days of the school year. YAY! High 5 the screen * (ouch that hurt :(...joking) Some of you might even be leaving year 6 or year 11 so I hope you have cherrished all your fab memories because this new chapter in your life will be both easy and hard so watch out! I personally love the holidays, six solid weeks of bliss and reading, with sports and any other hobbies that you love. Can't wait to get through as many books as I can... ahh books... SORRY just went in to a day dream! I love summer shopping though, food like Ice cream and lovely cold drink are my fav! (out of Ramadhan obv!). I walk through town and I love how people hide the fact that they aint fasting because of any reason. Dude show me those crisps! I don't care i'm not your parent! It's not like anything I say will register in your brain feel free to not fast it's not going to effect everybody else so in a way it looks worse if you hide it. You can hide it from us, no problem but God is watching you! Seriously, it is boiling. I want to just sleep with my vest and some thin trousers or leggings because I hate being sweaty or uncomfortable. 

Summer is like a rolercoaster of craziness! Hydration is the word though. If you are fasting like me remember to keep a bottle of water by you after Iftari and drink water at Sehri time too. Although I am such a hypocrite because I always forget to drink water! I hope your enjoying the weather and if you have started your holidays then enjoy them! If you only have a couple days left, good luck and if you are leaving secondary or primary school, cherrish your best moments and good luck too! Wow that was a lot! Byee xx 

Haleema.k :)


Hey guys this is another everyday thing @random. This is a special edition of tennis so I hope you enjoy.

Yes yes guys calm down, stop clapping your hands will hurt, he hasn't even let out a breath! Oh yes! Andy Murray has won wimbledon and put us out of our misery from 77 years! As you guys know I absolutly adore tennis and I was watching the moment, IT WAS SO INTENSE! He just had 1 more to go and he would've won more quicker but then it kept going to advantage and me and my brother were literally shaking it was like we were under pressure. When he won we celebrated by playing a game of tennis. I went on dailymail and the most of the articles were about Murray, it was an amazing moment.

Now for those of you who don't know about tennis but watch it, you still get to celebrate! He is a true legend. Although I know some people wanted Federer and Nadal to win but that just goes to show! Anyway it was funny after he won because he forgot to hug his mom! I was watching Kim's reaction and she was so happy when she won. Then like a day later a programme came out of Andy Murray and my brother was like they recorded this weeks before...Awkward I think. Real talk though I think Andy Murray should get an MBE or a Nighthood for proving that England are worth it and can do best! Although strictly speaking he is scottish but we will leave that for another day. I am so inspired by Andy Murray even when I am fasting I have started practicing my tennis and I am very good (trying not to blow my own trumpet). Although I have been practicing with the wall and it isn't as good as a real human so in actual fact I could be rubbish! 

For all you tennis fans out there I hope you enjoyed England's triumph and hopefully one day you will be in my blog being another winner of Wimbledon. Down below are some pictures and please comment to let me know if you love tennis or need to learn about it, would love to hear your opinions! Hope you enjoy, have a blast of a day!




Monday 8 July 2013

Just a little good luck message...

Hey everyone, this is just a short message for all you lovely people :) Enjoy :D

So as I am aware (most people are) it is the holy month of Ramadahan on Wednesday 10th July 2013 and that depends on whatever you follow. I am personally muslim and I know the stress for people who fast because the Fast's get longer and longer and this year it's my first time (I believe that girls start at 12) so I have seen other girls worrying about it. Let me tell you something, in this blessed month you gain so many rewards and a clever man (#blue eyed handsome daddy) once told me that the trick is water. After iftari (breaking of the fast) keep a water bottle along side of you and then do that until the fast starts again, and you will be fine. 

Now I know adults might think, she is 12 what does she know so I'm not faulting your logic but I want to help people that are just starting like me... Oh and you may see people not fasting but it doesn't give an excuse to patronize them because it's their choice and their sin so we can't do much about that. Although I feel like they try to hide it, let me tell you something. You may be hiding from people but you can't hide from Allah. So ending on a positive note I wish you Ramadhan Mubarak and hope that you gain as much rewards and become an even more amazing person than you. Remember in this month all devils and evil is locked up so you make your own choices and decisions. This month will help you...



P.S I won't be posting as much for this month because I will be quiet tired so don't be dissapointed... :)

Tuesday 2 July 2013

So sowwy's, shammaazing people and a real superwomen!!!

Hey guys I am super sorry that I haven't written in ages! I have had a ton of exams and revised like hell (check out my blog post #how to revise!)! Anyway I have made this blog post to make it up to you hope you enjoy!

There is a 25 year old women on YouTube and her name is Lilly Singh...were am I going with this....SHE IS AMAZING! That's right she is a YouTuber who does funny videos about anything and everything and her name is iisuperwomenii, if you haven't seen her I suggest you do. She is named superwomen because she really is super! Her videos can be serious and funny because she is an entertainer I SERIOUSLY suggest you go take a look. 

She recently came out with a video 'DRAW MY LIFE' which I know is really popular and she gave us the truth. She was at a point in her life were she (i quote) 'lost her desire to live' because of issues but she picked herself back up and I think she is an shaamazing role model for everyone. She brightens my day when I watch her and I just love her. You can find her on twitter and she is a YouTube celebrity!!! Paris Jackson even said she liked her and she is starring in a movie! None of this changes her and that is what I love, she is so humble and I swear if you add a comment on what video you want her to do, she will do it! 

OK so that's the good news over welcome to the....GOOD NEWSx2!!! So I am just in a happy state and no end to say there is a few people I want to thank for being in my lifeeyyy!! First of my Father! That's right he is an amazing dad and I am so thankful to have him.The 2nd person has to be my Grandad.He died a few months back and I love you Grandad, rip to the best Grandad in the world. I just want to say that whether you have parents or just one or whatever, don't take your love ones for granted because they love you the most. 

Now I'm just gonna be crazy and show you some funny/happy/crazy images and before I go I hope you enjoyed my post and so sowwy again! xx Haleema


IISUPERWOMENII  <<<<<This is superwomen!

Hope you enjoyed :) Remember keep that face smiling...