Saturday 27 April 2013

Sincere, late update...

Hey guys I am really sorry I haven't wrote a blog post in a while, I have just had lots of school work to do so I'm going to do an update on stuff that has happened recently.

Firstly lets start with the residents of Albert Square, Kane certainly did return for Liam and tried to sweet talk him in to changing his statement. Sorry Kane but he is a butcher and he firmly said no. Although Kane tried to grab him up mother Bianca came to her son's rescue. Yesterday's Eastenders was certainly humorous when Bianca attacked Kane. Go team B!

While that has been happening Janine has returned. She is trying to get her daughter back but will she in the end? Sharon and Phil are a couple! Who would of thought it those secret kisses and just plain loneliness. Poor 'Denni' hasn't been handling Jacks departure, but what will happen for these 2 love birds in the future?

The Blog-
I am so fortunate in the blog world. My views have increased and I hope you guys spread the word even more to visit this blog. Please do follow and subscribe for daily posts and you will be sure to be impressed :)

So lets move on to some royal news updates. Lets start with Kate, Harry and Will's  visit to the Warner Brose studios! They visited the world of Harry Potter and had fun with their 'wands' and seeing all the amazing sights Hogwarts Express had to offer. There are pictures down below of their fun! Speaking of Kate... Kate's dress from Top Shop sold out within an hour of people wearing it! Our duchess just gets better and better! If you want to see more visit the BBC website.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post again I am sorry for not posting and I will never do it again! Look below for some pictures on the news and Eastenders. Bye x Haleema.k


Saturday 13 April 2013

Awesome social networking sites, or not...

Social networking sites

Hey everyone so this is just another everyday thing @random I hope you like it :)

So there are lots of social networking sites that everybody uses. Facebook being number one but also: Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram (sort of), ask fm and others that are not so popular. I am not really a social networking person as I am sure other people aren't either. Facebook is probably the most popular and even though I am not allowed it I would not make it. Below are only SOME reasons why:

  • It is dangerous
  • Boring
  • There are better things to do
  • The wrong people are on there
  • You dont know who your talking to
  • It doesn't have a good record (bad things have happened)
So like I said those are just some of the reasons I disagree with stupid facebook. I don't hate all of them, in fact I use Twitter and that is it. The bad thing about these networking sites is the people on them. That is what makes it dangerous and not safe. There have been so many bad news reports about facebook it is stupid to go on it. I am sure some would disagree, especially teenagers today. Most people (teenagers) have facebook to talk to their freinds and be in the cool crowd. What happened to texting or bbming with awesome phones not to mention whatsapp. You have all these awesome phones and yet facebook is also something you have.

Tumblr isn't exactly something people talk about, not as much as facebook and I am not sure what it is about. I think Twitter is the best out of all of them. Your able to get followers and it is not dangerous unless you say stupid things. You can tweet about amusing things and see what famous people/celebrities are doing/saying. If there are inappropriate people, on twitter they will get reported and nobody will bother with them so it is better that facebook. I have had an and frankly I think it is the same rubbish as facebook. Yes it isn't dangerous but people ask stupid, rude and wierd questions. I wouldn't recommend this. 

Overall, there is always a downside to most of these websites but facebook in my opinion is the worst. Twitter is the best one and the rest are all stupid and a waste of time. 

Hope you enjoyed this post, 


Thursday 11 April 2013

April Fool's 2013 (a smidge late)...

 April Fool's 2013

Hey guys so this is just a late post on April fools day and other @random things, here we go...

April Fools Day 2013-
I did do one trick on April Fools Day to my sister. I was in our bedroom and I went over to her bed and said omg, you have wet the bed. Now she hadn't done her bed yet so I lifted up the duvet and she nearly wet herself when I told her she came over and I was like April Fool! She was swearing and cursing for hours. I really would like to know what you guys did for April Fools so comment down below and tell me the funny trick you pulled.

Anyway my cousin said that on Google, it  said type in Google nose. She said that it said type in a smell of something then smell the keyboard of your laptop (were the volume comes out of) and it will smell like that. She done it and she typed in Permanent marker. She then said psychologically I though it was real and she said my brother walked in to the room and was like what the heck are you doing. She told him and he was like it is an April Fools joke idiot. I was hysterically laughing when she told me the joke, it is really satisfying to see the look on peoples face when you do an April Fools Joke. 

Another story about 2013's April Fools was one my sister told me. She was like on Instagram someone made a post saying my mom told me to go downstairs and check the news because the queen died. I literally was laughing (even though that is not a good thing). I tried to tell my brother the same in his sleep because I thought he was awake but when he woke up he was like she isn't dead you idiot. I didn't really get the satisfying look I hoped for but... it was worth a try. 

There is lots of funny stories about April Fools day this year and if you guys have some please comment below this post. Sorry this post was 10 days late but I only started my blog 2 days ago...

Hope you enjoyed this post, x

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Iphone vs Blackberry

   Blackberry vs Iphone

Hi everyone so this is just another everyday thing @random that I am posting about. Hope you like it.

 So the phones that people today mostly have are iphone's and Blackberry's. Now this is just a statistic opinion. Iphones are very very very, popular in the modern world. Young teenagers and even adults also have blackberries, but again that is only a statistic opinion. Whose to say that their both rubbish phones and just a waste of money? This is why I am writing about Iphone vs Blackberry.

Do not get me wrong, Iphones are awesome especially since the latest one is number 5. It has loads, siri, awesome apps and a great camera but why is it better than a blackberry? Blackberry's have awesome cameras and you can get cool apps too so what is better in these phones? I personally have a blackberry 8520 but I am not saying just because I have it, that it is cooler or better.

I walk in town and I'm frequently seeing people with Iphones in their hands. Taking pictures, on the phone or whatever. I also then see teenagers with blackberry's at hand. Their does not have to be competition about it. Iphone's have negatives like only bluetooth from iphone to iphone. Blackberry's have negatives, some have rubbish cameras and the apps are expensive so were equal. 

Furthermore, both these phones cost a lot! I mean the new Blackberry Z10 is more than £500 and Iphone 5 is less! Everybody has competition between these phones, you have spent a lot of money on both so stop being stupid and ungrateful! My sister has an iphone and she is always like, Blackberry is rubbish bla bla bla and I am just like ok whatever you say. It does not have to be like this.

To conclude I think that both phones are awesome because what if in the future I was to get an iphone, and previously I had just said iphones are rubbish? That make me a hypocrite. Appreciate what you have people because you only do that when it's gone. If you have made a battle between phones think about what this post has said. Why do you have to argue about phones, they do not speak (apart from siri) or have lives, again: appreciate what you have. 



Eastenders Update

Hey guys so this is just an update on Eastenders :)

So for all you Eastenders fans, we all know that things have been heating up for Jack and Sharon's wedding day. Ronnie has came out of prison and has met up with Jack but spoilers tell us that this may be the reason Sharon and Jack do not tie the knot.

As I have checked on the Eastenders website for spoilers it seems Sharon and Jack have ended and an old face returns to the square. If you do not wish to read spoilers look away now... Ok lets carry on. Janine is back claiming she wants her daughter back! Well we all know Janine she says one thing but her scheming brain hopes for another. Poor Scarlet! So back to Sharon. She stays at and old friends house (Phil Mitchell) and as usual gossip rises in the square.

Back to Janine: You can't actually claim to want your daughter back when you have left her for god knows how long! Mothers of walford, so dramatic! Their are pictures down below of the spoilers. So that is an update on Eastenders.

Please Like Follow and View my daily blog and I hoped you enjoyed the post!


  Spoiler pics:

Tuesday 9 April 2013

1st post: News Update

Margaret Thatchers Death

Hey guys so this is a news update!

Yesterday everybody heard about the death of Lady Thatcher. She was the first and final woman priminister of the UK. She died yesterday of a stroke and her funeral will take place next week, her body will be cremated. This post is just an update on whats been going on because of her death. 

Today's news tell us that people have been celebrating Lady Thatchers death with anarchy in the streets and smashed shop windows. People were even dancing! We all know that even if she made some choices that did not suit us or was in the conservative party we don't have to do this. When our relatives pass away or close family and we dislike what they did or said do we celebrate? Dance, throw parties and do these disgusting actions? Is the nature of us humans so bad that we have to create a bad word for ourselves? We are not suppose to do these things in love or hate. 

Why are people stooping so low as to throw parties, light fireworks? If her haters hate her so much then why are they even wasting the time and effort for somebody who they hated? That is not hate, that is attention seeking. Yes some people are happy of her death so much so that they are doing all this but why waste your time if you hate someone. Is that not the point? You hate them because they waste your time and you don't like them? Helloooo!! Wake up people this is stupid. This post is not even because I like her, I am not judging Lady Thatcher because I don't even know why people hate her and I was not born when she was the priminister. Half these people who are celebrating were not around when she was priminster yet they want to join in with the idiots and waste their time on someone who they supposedly hate.

My posts will not change the nature of such idiotic attention seekers. At least I have addressed the issue. Yes I hear lady Thatcher made very bad mistakes bla bla bla, but we don't have to do this.

I am not a fan of her or neither do I hate her. So whoever reads this post thinking so you are wrong. I am just addressing the issue. I can't judge her or hate her or love her because I wasn't around when she was priminister. Don't judge what you don't know...
Is this necessary?


Hey guys, so I am Haleema and I am totally new to the blogging world. I made this blog so that I could just post about random things. Life, news and everyday things. This post is just for my first blog and their will be more posts about life in the real world. My views on things and whatever you wish for me to post about. Ask through comments for any posts and I will do them without a doubt. I am new so please read my blogs and add me! Hope you enjoy my brand new blog. Post comments like I said and I hope you enjoy my posts. If you want me to read your blogs and other then please comment to tell me so. Thank you! 
