Wednesday 10 April 2013

Iphone vs Blackberry

   Blackberry vs Iphone

Hi everyone so this is just another everyday thing @random that I am posting about. Hope you like it.

 So the phones that people today mostly have are iphone's and Blackberry's. Now this is just a statistic opinion. Iphones are very very very, popular in the modern world. Young teenagers and even adults also have blackberries, but again that is only a statistic opinion. Whose to say that their both rubbish phones and just a waste of money? This is why I am writing about Iphone vs Blackberry.

Do not get me wrong, Iphones are awesome especially since the latest one is number 5. It has loads, siri, awesome apps and a great camera but why is it better than a blackberry? Blackberry's have awesome cameras and you can get cool apps too so what is better in these phones? I personally have a blackberry 8520 but I am not saying just because I have it, that it is cooler or better.

I walk in town and I'm frequently seeing people with Iphones in their hands. Taking pictures, on the phone or whatever. I also then see teenagers with blackberry's at hand. Their does not have to be competition about it. Iphone's have negatives like only bluetooth from iphone to iphone. Blackberry's have negatives, some have rubbish cameras and the apps are expensive so were equal. 

Furthermore, both these phones cost a lot! I mean the new Blackberry Z10 is more than £500 and Iphone 5 is less! Everybody has competition between these phones, you have spent a lot of money on both so stop being stupid and ungrateful! My sister has an iphone and she is always like, Blackberry is rubbish bla bla bla and I am just like ok whatever you say. It does not have to be like this.

To conclude I think that both phones are awesome because what if in the future I was to get an iphone, and previously I had just said iphones are rubbish? That make me a hypocrite. Appreciate what you have people because you only do that when it's gone. If you have made a battle between phones think about what this post has said. Why do you have to argue about phones, they do not speak (apart from siri) or have lives, again: appreciate what you have. 



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