Tuesday 9 April 2013

1st post: News Update

Margaret Thatchers Death

Hey guys so this is a news update!

Yesterday everybody heard about the death of Lady Thatcher. She was the first and final woman priminister of the UK. She died yesterday of a stroke and her funeral will take place next week, her body will be cremated. This post is just an update on whats been going on because of her death. 

Today's news tell us that people have been celebrating Lady Thatchers death with anarchy in the streets and smashed shop windows. People were even dancing! We all know that even if she made some choices that did not suit us or was in the conservative party we don't have to do this. When our relatives pass away or close family and we dislike what they did or said do we celebrate? Dance, throw parties and do these disgusting actions? Is the nature of us humans so bad that we have to create a bad word for ourselves? We are not suppose to do these things in love or hate. 

Why are people stooping so low as to throw parties, light fireworks? If her haters hate her so much then why are they even wasting the time and effort for somebody who they hated? That is not hate, that is attention seeking. Yes some people are happy of her death so much so that they are doing all this but why waste your time if you hate someone. Is that not the point? You hate them because they waste your time and you don't like them? Helloooo!! Wake up people this is stupid. This post is not even because I like her, I am not judging Lady Thatcher because I don't even know why people hate her and I was not born when she was the priminister. Half these people who are celebrating were not around when she was priminster yet they want to join in with the idiots and waste their time on someone who they supposedly hate.

My posts will not change the nature of such idiotic attention seekers. At least I have addressed the issue. Yes I hear lady Thatcher made very bad mistakes bla bla bla, but we don't have to do this.

I am not a fan of her or neither do I hate her. So whoever reads this post thinking so you are wrong. I am just addressing the issue. I can't judge her or hate her or love her because I wasn't around when she was priminister. Don't judge what you don't know...
Is this necessary?

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