Thursday 11 April 2013

April Fool's 2013 (a smidge late)...

 April Fool's 2013

Hey guys so this is just a late post on April fools day and other @random things, here we go...

April Fools Day 2013-
I did do one trick on April Fools Day to my sister. I was in our bedroom and I went over to her bed and said omg, you have wet the bed. Now she hadn't done her bed yet so I lifted up the duvet and she nearly wet herself when I told her she came over and I was like April Fool! She was swearing and cursing for hours. I really would like to know what you guys did for April Fools so comment down below and tell me the funny trick you pulled.

Anyway my cousin said that on Google, it  said type in Google nose. She said that it said type in a smell of something then smell the keyboard of your laptop (were the volume comes out of) and it will smell like that. She done it and she typed in Permanent marker. She then said psychologically I though it was real and she said my brother walked in to the room and was like what the heck are you doing. She told him and he was like it is an April Fools joke idiot. I was hysterically laughing when she told me the joke, it is really satisfying to see the look on peoples face when you do an April Fools Joke. 

Another story about 2013's April Fools was one my sister told me. She was like on Instagram someone made a post saying my mom told me to go downstairs and check the news because the queen died. I literally was laughing (even though that is not a good thing). I tried to tell my brother the same in his sleep because I thought he was awake but when he woke up he was like she isn't dead you idiot. I didn't really get the satisfying look I hoped for but... it was worth a try. 

There is lots of funny stories about April Fools day this year and if you guys have some please comment below this post. Sorry this post was 10 days late but I only started my blog 2 days ago...

Hope you enjoyed this post, x

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